UUFSMA Newsletter July 16, 2018
The Mission of this Fellowship is to serve the spirit as each individual understands it; to serve the educational and pastoral needs of our own community; and to serve our multicultural community through actions that further social justice.

Volunteer Profile

Diana Ellsworth took over chairing the Care Team when it needed a boost. She organized a team of volunteers to respond to any UUs who had a need and met with them regularly to ensure that needs were being met. Although 
she is no longer chair of the team, she continues to be very active with support, rides, and care for persons in need and assistance to the team co-chairs.

Yeah, Diana!

Care Team

In the sense in which we can ever be said to be at home in the world, we are at home not through dominating or explaining, or appreciating, but through caring and being cared for.
— Milton Mayeroff

Hello from your UUFSMA Care Team!

We were pleased to see Judith Jenya back with us looking happy and healthy!

Have a great week!
Francoise Yohalem, Co Chair,
(traveling next week, but returning on Monday the 23 rd . )

The other Co Chair, Kay Miller, can be reached at: 154-4805,
kcmiller0611@icloud .com

For pastoral care please contact Rev. Wyman Rousseau at emailforwyman@gmail.com
For a copy of the Medical Resource directory, contact either Kay or Francoise.

Calendar of Activities

Tuesday Discussion Group, July 17, 10:15 am, How do we best get to our goals? We must articulate our truths. Can incivility ever be tolerated in a democracy? Is violence ever useful? Join us for these meaningful discussions led by Liz Stone. The group will meet at the Quinta Loreto restaurant, Loreto 15.

Our discussion group is very popular and there are some people who cannot make it on a Tuesday morning. If you are interested in starting a second group on another day and time, please contact Liz at elmendorf7@aol.com.

Wednesday Lunch Bunch, July 18, 1:30pm, Garambullo, Animas 46.

Women's breakfast group meets at Oso Azul, Zacateros 17 at 9:30 each Saturday morning. All women are warmly invited. Men meet in the Jardin at 9:30am in front of the Parroquia and decide where to eat. The regular guys would like some new faces to join them!

Circle Cena - The Circle Cena is a social gathering for people who meet at a host's house once a month for either a pot luck of botanas and dessert or a full course dinner. The hosts coordinate the event as to how many guests they can accommodate and who brings what food to share. As the groups change from cena to cena, it’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know other UUs.

The next Circle Cena is Monday, August 6. Please sign up as host or guest at the Welcome Table after Sunday service or contact Arlena Lawrence, lawrencearlena@yahoo.com.

Sunday, July 22, 10:30am  

The UU Book of the Dead

Rev. Ron Phares

At this week’s Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Service, the Rev. Ron Phares explores the UU perspective on what happens when we die and what that means to our living. Is there an afterlife? Dust to dust? Reincarnation? Or... something else...

If we are granted but one breath, we can be assured of only one thing: that there will be a last breath. If nothing else, death is reliable. What is less reliable is what happens to you when you die. It is comforting to have faith in a heavenly paradise post incarnation. But the rationalist in us might flinch at such a gospel. It is also comforting to have some sense of certainty that we simply cease and our remains transform back into other forms of matter. But is that actually comprehensive enough? Is that, in fact, an understanding based on a incomplete data set?

Rev. Phares is drawn to perennialism, the way of theological engagement that sees resonances in the essences of most wisdom traditions and faith ways. He is interested the insights of those traditions that bring us into a more harmonious connection with the underlying, pervasive, original, and unfolding integration of all phenomena. Consciousness, mindfulness, the nature of time, and collective liberation are among his favored topics of reflection.

He was born and raised in Phoenix and received a B.A. in Religious Studies from Arizona State University and a Master’s in International Management from Thunderbird, the American Graduate School for International Management. Rev. Phares walked into his first UU church in 2002, where he heard Henry Miller read as a sacred text and knew he’d found a spiritual home. He attended Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Austin, TX, and was ordained in the Unitarian Universalist tradition in 2012 by the Mountain Vista Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Tucson, where he currently serves. He is the father of two seven-year-old girls and a devoted husband. He is also a sometimes an in-house contextual poet for an architecture firm in Phoenix.

The UU Fellowship meets every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at Posada de la Aldea, Ancha de San Antonio 15, and welcomes people of all ages, races, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. For information about our Children’s Sunday Program, contact us at chris.chase1955@gmail.com.. The meeting room is wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit our website at uufsama.org

Welcome Table

At the Welcome Table we have, for your reading pleasure, the Community Connections brochure. It is filled with everything you ever wanted to know about the UUFSMA - a bit of history, events, who we are and what we do. Pick one up next Sunday.

Altar Flowers

Flowers are a lovely way to remember or honor someone dear to you. If you wish to have the Sunday flowers dedicated to someone special, please contact Cynthia Sterling at sterlingsilver33@gmail.com.

Electronic Payments

We are now set up for electronic funds transfers and electronic bill pay payments for your pledges and other donations. For instructions, please contact jane.wilkinson@gmail.com.

And, now we have a link on our website for PayPal under the heading 'donations”.

To use PayPal or a credit card immediately, just click below!

The UUFSMA Newsletter is produced each week for members and friends of the congregation. Information should be submitted by Wednesday each week to denise.uufsma@gmail.com

Contact Us!

Board of Directors 2018-2019 (as of April 1, 2018)

John Simsarian, President, 154-4771, jcsimsarian@yahoo.com
Judith Rosenthal, 1st VP, 154-9659, judithr@mail.fresnostate.edu
Chris Chase, 2nd VP, 170-4544, Chris.Chase1955@gmail.com

Jane Wilkinson, Treasurer, 152-8019, jane.wilkinson@gmail.com
William Dalsimer, Secretary, 917-991-7841, wrdalsimer@gmail.com
Eleanor Goodwin, 152-5700, epgoodwin@hotmail.com
Jim Harper, 152-2380, smaharper@yahoo.com
Paula Peace, 102-1072, paulapeace@bellsouth.net 
Peter Podesta, 101-0904, parlino27@gmail.com

Dick Snyder, 121-0612, rcs39@aol.com

If you would like a copy of minutes from a Board of Directors meeting, please contact John Simsarian, President.

                    Committee Chairs and Activity

Canvass 15 
Trish Snyder, 121-0612, trishsnyder49@gmail.com
Jane Wilkinson, Treasurer, 154-8504, jane.wilkinson@gmail.com
Nominating Committee
Cynthia Claus, cclaus731@gmail.com

Book Club/UUA Book Reads

Care Team
Kay Miller, kcmiller0611@icloud.com 
Francoise Yohalem, francoise.yohalem@gmail.com

Circle Cena
Arlena Lawrence, lawrencearlena@yahoo.com

Discussion Group
Liz Stone, elmendorf7@aol.com

Neighborhood Groups
San Antonio, Eleanor Goodwin, epgoodwin@hotmail.com 

Sunday Service Co-Chairs
Paula Peace, paulapeace@bellsouth.net
Diana Ekizian, djekizian@gmail.com

Coffee Hour
Peter Podesta, parlino27@gmail.com

Cynthia Sterling, sterlingsilver33@gmail.com

Greetings & Name Tags
Jim Harper, smaharper@yahoo.com 

Ministerial Liaison
Eleanor Goodwin, epgoodwin@hotmail.com

Special Music
Jon Sievert, jon@humblepress.com

Order of Service
Denise Galipeau, denise.uufsma@gmail.com


Social Action, Outreach and Publicity
Christie McGue, 231-342-6960, clmcgue@gmail.com

Social Action Committee
Dick Snyder, 121-0612, rcs39@aol.com 

Denise Galipeau, denise.uufsma@gmail.com

Members regularly post updates and information on this site. You will need to create a Yahoo email address before joining.

To join our Yahoo group site create a Yahoo email account, then click on this link:


Then click on “Membership”and follow the directions.


Facebook: “Like” us at: UU Fellowship of SMA. Website: www.UUFSMA.Org

Mail address: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of SMA, Apdo 798, San Miguel de Allende 37700 Guanajuato, Mexico.

San Miguel de Allende, GTO, Mexico


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